The Lovely Screams

Every day, I go for a walk. It's always the same routine, though it took me a while to fall into one. First, I wear my shoes. This is important because it took me a long time to realize the importance of wearing shoes for walks. I would put on slippers, sandals or even crocs, … Continue reading The Lovely Screams

The Defining Moment

Life is one continuous string of fleeting moments. It's just one moment after another. As you grow older, the sheer volume of moments you experience rises exponentially. And suddenly, you lose track of time. Before you know it, you’re an adult. But you know what I have noticed? That if Life can be broken down … Continue reading The Defining Moment

Kunal Nayak and the Tile of Doom

I lie solemnly in my bed. I can't seem to fall into a peaceful slumber. I grumble to myself and try harder, but sleep just won't come. Slowly, as minutes turn into hours and hours into a quarter of the night, sleep still eludes me. Thoughts keep sneaking into my mind like cockroaches, fashioning themselves … Continue reading Kunal Nayak and the Tile of Doom